You Can’t Say That! Strategies to master diversity in a new decade.


It can sometimes feel, no matter where you turn, you are offending someone. So much so, we now ask the “offended” to lighten up and not take us so seriously. It’s clear our words have power and it’s also become apparent we aren’t always sure how to use this instrument for good.

In her presentation,  “You can’t say that.” Liz shares six categories of statements intended to connect, but actually widen the diversity gap. These statements make it harder to gain common ground and can cause irreparable harm to others personally and professionally.

Prepare yourself for bold humor and disarming dialogue as Liz gives you tools to become more effective in your communication with others and face the fears of saying the wrong thing. She equips you with five essential strategies to handle complex and diverse situations and important language to create connection under pressure. 


    • Positive insights into the WHY’S behind the WHAT NOT TO SAY.
    • How to create a healthy space for curiosity around diversity.
    • Valuable tools to investigate other cultures without offending.
    • Simple language to diffuse difficult situations.